
What is Regression Healing?
Regression Healing is a Hypnotherapy approach of treatment that focuses on resolving significant ailments driven by past (life) events interfering with a person's present physical, mental and/or emotional wellness.
I practice this approach for people who are seeking treatment for their ailments which improves their physical and emotional health and their state of mind by revisiting and re-living the early experiences that influenced the development of these issues.


I am a professional PADI Dive Master who specializes in both organizing spiritual Dive Tours as well as facilitating Regression Healing and Watertherapy sessions.
In my previous profession I was a financial controller serving 15 years in the corporate world. However, my real passion and career is being a regressionist in past life- and regression healing methods as well as diving and exploring the oceans around the world.


In general, there are no real requirements for a regression healing session as your willingness and your free choice of having a session are setting already the right intentions and this is enough.
Come with an open heart and trust which will support the process.


I put the client into a deep trance and guide them into a meaningful and very profound past lifetime, simultaneous or current early life experience that may often facilitate the spontaneous remission of many serious ailments. I am taking anyone through the astral plane and into the Light in such a manner that they attain an even deeper level of healing and a greater understanding of their Souls path and all the questions they may have.

About Me

In 2019 I moved to Mauritius and in 2022 to Bonaire following my passion for diving and establishing my own counseling service on regression healing. After 15 years of a career in the corporate world I decided three years ago to develop my autonomy and offer others my services.