Anonymous person in a Session with Chris Turner
Anonymous person in a Session with Chris Turner
This lovely woman came in for a session with no real health issues, but her main concern was a very stressful situation with her neighbours. Disharmony had continued with lots of hurts, deaths of pets, harsh interactions and was making it difficult for her to want to continue living there. Because it was her own property where she had spent years developing her gardens and farm, she did not want to think about leaving, but she was living in continual stress and felt at a loss to improve the situation. It is always so beautiful to see how our Sub-conscious / Super-conscious guidance system will so brilliantly design these sessions… to teach, heal and empower us in whatever we are seeking! She came off the cloud and when looking down to see what she was wearing on her feet, she was shocked, and tears came to her eyes. “Oh, my feet are ugly,” she observed with such disappointment. Then she realized they were the roots of a tree – not what she had imagined or envisioned for her session experience! As she adjusted to having this perspective, we went deeper into exploring it… Her story unfolded so beautifully! As she looked around, she found herself in a delightful location, living by a shimmering pond that watered her roots, and over which she happily stretched out her verdant branches. She was surrounded with living grasses and other plant life, and soon became aware of her “neighbors” who were other trees that vibrantly joined her in this harmonious setting. Going through the seasons of a year was such a vivid experience! Enjoyment of her lush Summer foliage and ripening fruits that she could offer to visiting wildlife was a rewarding and pleasant joy. Even the feel of ants burrowing and nibbling into her bark brought tickles of pleasure. As she approached Fall, a real fear came up. Were her lush and beautiful leaves going to dry up and fall off? Oh no! She did not want to feel herself naked and exposed, but then chose the courage to go forward, and let them go. She discovered the peacefulness and freedom of the Fall, enjoyed the cool and cleansing winds caressing her bare branches… and the refreshing quiet of the Winter, going within for rest and restoration. Even in Winter’s silent snow, she found herself quite alive, as below the Earth the worms and other creatures carried on happy activities amongst her sensitive root system. The joy that came with Spring was something I shall never forget! She felt herself surging inside with the most powerful Life forces, rushing up from her roots like living rivers, rising through her trunk and thrusting out within her limbs to form buds. The energies seemed to swell inside her branches for a time, building a pressure until the perfect moment… Not yet, not yet… Now! Blossoms suddenly popped forth with colors, fragrance, life force… Birds, squirrels, creatures of land and air and fish in the waters… the joys of Spring all around the pond were so beautiful, harmonious and abundant!
CORE MESSAGE: One of the most interesting revelations during the life of this tree was in noticing her surroundings. At one point, in describing the other trees, she remarked with some surprise in the discovery, “My neighbors… are just like me. We’re the same!” she said. “We are all the same. They are the same as Me,” she observed and discovered with some deep and thoughtful amazement. This turned out to be one of the most important gifts of the session. While she received lots of answers to her many questions, relationship advice for her home life, her biggest issue – the one with her “neighbors” was treated with so much loving insight and compassion. I won’t share her details, except to report this: Several months after the session, I heard back from this client who was really happy – She had made tremendous progress in creating Peace with her neighbors! They were now exchanging gifts of meals, working out new ways to share and care for each others’ properties and pets, and home life had a whole new sense of Harmony and Friendship that she had never imagined possible.